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Startup Project Podcast

Startup Project is a podcast where founders, investors, and innovators discuss the future of technology, startups, and product development. We explore building scalable products from the ground up and finding product-market fit. Tune in for insights on growth tactics, product development and investing strategies.


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Framework to be More Creative

This framework is just about taking what you are consuming which is like a life credit to convert into a life debit. Its about flipping what time, money, brain power you…

Find and Deploy Maximum Leverage

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world. Archimedes said this 2000 years ago, but it is more applicable…

How to Evaluate New Ideas For Value?

Cornelius Vanderbilt reduced the cost to travel Andrew Carnegie reduced the price of steel Jeff Bezos reduced the cost to shop everything from soaps to laptops Elon Musk reduced the cost…

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