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What does Final Merits Determination mean for EB1A Green Card?

The EB1A visa, known for its high standards, is a coveted path for individuals with extraordinary abilities seeking permanent residency in the United States. While meeting the basic criteria is crucial, many applicants overlook a critical aspect of the process: the Final Merits Determination. This often-misunderstood stage can make or break an EB1A application, regardless of how many criteria are met.

Understanding the Final Merits Determination

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires applicants to satisfy three out of ten criteria to qualify for the EB1A. However, meeting these criteria alone does not guarantee approval. The Final Merits Determination is a subjective evaluation where USCIS assesses whether the applicant truly demonstrates extraordinary ability in their field.

During this stage, officers look beyond the checkboxes to evaluate:

  1. If the applicant is at the top of their field
  2. Whether they have received sustained national or international acclaim
  3. If their work has been substantially beneficial to the United States
  4. Their intentions to continue working in their field of endeavor

Why Meeting Criteria Isn’t Enough

It’s relatively common for professionals, especially in academia or research, to meet several EB1A criteria. They might have publications, judging experience, and even evidence of high remuneration or critical roles. However, these accomplishments in isolation don’t necessarily prove extraordinary ability.

Many applicants who meet three, four, or even five criteria still face Requests for Evidence (RFEs) or denials. The reason? Their applications lack a cohesive narrative that ties their achievements together and showcases their exceptional abilities convincingly.

Crafting a Compelling EB1A Narrative

To succeed in the Final Merits Determination, applicants need to weave their accomplishments into a seamless narrative. This story should clearly demonstrate how the applicant has risen to the top of their field and why their contributions are significant on a national or international scale.

Key elements of a strong EB1A narrative include:

  1. Consistency: Ensure all parts of your application support your claim of extraordinary ability
  2. Context: Explain the impact and significance of your achievements within your field
  3. Progression: Show how your career has advanced and how you’ve gained recognition over time
  4. Future potential: Highlight how your continued work will benefit the United States

Building a Holistic EB1A Profile

Creating a compelling EB1A application goes beyond merely collecting evidence. It requires a strategic approach to profile building that considers both the criteria and the Final Merits Determination from the outset.

This involves:

  1. Identifying opportunities to strengthen your profile in areas relevant to your field
  2. Seeking out experiences that demonstrate leadership and recognition
  3. Documenting your achievements thoroughly and presenting them effectively
  4. Anticipating potential weaknesses in your application and addressing them proactively

By viewing your EB1A application through the lens of the Final Merits Determination, you can create a more robust and convincing case for your extraordinary ability. Remember, it’s not just about meeting the criteria – it’s about telling a compelling story that showcases your unique talents and contributions to your field.


  1. USCIS EB1A Visa Information
  2. What is takes to get EB1A?
  3. Original contributions for EB1A green card?