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How Original Contributions Can Secure Your EB1A Green Card?

If you a professional looking to obtain a green card through the EB1A category? If so, understanding the crucial role of “original contributions of major significance” criteria could be the key to your success. As we’ve discussed in our previous article, The EB1A Green Card: What it Takes to Get It?“, there are several criteria to meet and one of them and probably most important for you would be Original Contributions.

What Are Original Contributions in EB1A Context?

When evaluating EB1A cases, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) looks for noteworthy breakthroughs, innovations, or remarkable impacts within your domain. These contributions should be significant enough that other professionals in your field have used them to further their own work.

It’s important to note that what qualifies as a noteworthy breakthrough isn’t set in stone. It depends on factors such as:

  1. Landscape of your field
  2. The consensus among your peers that your work is truly groundbreaking or significant
  3. Business impact, meaning did it generate lots of revenue directly or indirectly for the company

Proving Significance to USCIS

USCIS doesn’t just focus on the novelty of your work. They place equal emphasis on how your contribution has received and generated impact within your field of expertise. To prove significance, you need to demonstrate that your original contribution has:

  1. Helped your field move forward
  2. Brought you recognition
  3. Improved efficiency significantly

Remember, the USCIS officer reviewing your case might not be an expert in your field. Therefore, your EB1A petition should clearly showcase your original work’s impact on your industry, preferably through testimonials from other experts in your field.

Evidence for Original Contributions

When assessing this criterion, USCIS looks for various types of evidence. Some examples include:

  1. Press coverage
  2. Patents bearing your name
  3. Licensing agreements of your patents
  4. Contracts
  5. Citations of your work
  6. Letters of recommendation
  7. Download statistics
  8. Usage statistics
  9. Reach of your audience or content

It’s important to note that you don’t need to present every single type of evidence. Each EB1A profile is unique, and the most relevant evidence will depend on your specific field and contributions.

Navigating the EB1A Process

Building a strong EB1A profile can be complex, especially when considering that original contributions are just one of several criteria. The process involves carefully selecting and presenting evidence that collectively demonstrates your extraordinary abilities and their exceptional implementation.

If you’re finding the process overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. Immigration experts & attorneys can assist you in satisfying the criteria effectively.


Original contributions of major significance are a crucial element of a successful EB1A petition. By understanding what USCIS is looking for and how to present your contributions effectively, you can significantly improve your chances of approval. Remember, your goal is to create a profile that clearly demonstrates your extraordinary abilities and their impact on your field.

Are you ready to take the next step in your EB1A journey? Start by evaluating your original contributions and gathering evidence of their significance. With the right approach, you can build a compelling case for your extraordinary ability green card.